December 17, 2020 – Presented by Rachel Sanders and Jason Faiferlick of Silverado

Are You Backing Up Your Backups Video

Ensuring you have a data backup plan is crucial for protecting the continuity of your business should disaster strike. There’s an old saying that businesses that manage their own backups fall into two categories — 1.) those who have lost data and 2.) those who will.

There are many ways your business can lose its data. Employee turnover, natural disasters, and accidents can often occur with little or no warning. With Ransomware and Malware developers becoming more persistent and creative with their attacks, protecting your data can feel like a moving target. This is why many businesses are partnering with managed service providers who can help fine tune their backup plans.

So, what does a good backup structure look like?

How do I know everything I need is being backed up?

How long should I be keeping my backed up data?

Join us to get the answers to these questions and learn what a good back up plan looks like.